
Through Clinical Supervision, you gain the empowering tools to achieve clarity in the cases you handle, understand which skills to apply, and learn how to effectively utilize them.

Clinical Supervision

If you are a mental health trainee pursuing post-graduate qualifications or a professional providing therapy, you are like a rough gem that requires proper cutting and polishing to shine at your brightest. One of the most critical aspects of your training is finding a reliable and experienced clinical supervisor to guide and support your growth and development as a mental health professional.

At The Lion Mind, we understand the importance of clinical supervision in helping you achieve clarity in the cases you handle, develop the necessary clinical competencies and skills, and effectively use them to provide the best possible care to your clients.

Our Clinical Supervisor is accredited by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors Singapore (APACS), ensuring that you receive expert guidance and support throughout your training.

Why Choose Us for Clinical Supervision?

At The Lion Mind, we believe that effective clinical supervision is vital to your success as a mental health professional. Our Clinical Supervisor provides a safe and supportive environment where you can reflect on your clinical practice, explore new ideas and approaches, and receive feedback and guidance on your work.

Our Clinical Supervisor is committed to helping you develop the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in your chosen field. They will work closely with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop a personalized learning plan, and provide ongoing support and feedback to help you achieve your goals.

What Can You Expect from Our Clinical Supervision?

Our Clinical Supervision is designed to provide you with a comprehensive learning experience that supports your growth and development as a mental health professional. We offer both individual and group supervision, depending on your needs and preferences.

In our individual supervision sessions, you will have the opportunity to discuss your clinical work in detail with our Clinical Supervisor. They will provide feedback on your clinical skills and competencies, help you develop new skills and approaches, and guide you in exploring ethical and legal issues related to your work.

In our group supervision sessions, you will have the opportunity to learn from your peers, share your experiences and insights, and receive feedback and guidance from our Clinical Supervisor. Group supervision is an excellent way to develop your skills and competencies, learn from others, and build a supportive professional network.

What are the Benefits of Clinical Supervision?

Clinical supervision provides numerous benefits to mental health professionals, including:

  • Enhancing Clinical Skills - Clinical supervision helps you develop and enhance the clinical skills and competencies necessary to provide effective mental health care.
  • Building Confidence - Clinical supervision provides a safe and supportive environment where you can gain confidence in your abilities as a mental health professional.
  • Addressing Ethical Issues - Clinical supervision helps you explore ethical issues related to your work, ensuring that you provide the best possible care to your clients while adhering to ethical standards.
  • Professional Growth and Development - Clinical supervision supports your ongoing growth and development as a mental health professional, helping you stay up-to-date with the latest research and trends in your field.
  • Emotional Support - Clinical supervision provides emotional support and guidance, helping you manage the stress and emotional challenges that come with working in the mental health field.

In conclusion, if you are a mental health trainee pursuing post-graduate qualifications in counselling or psychotherapy, finding the right clinical supervisor is essential to your success. At The Lion Mind, our Clinical Supervisor is accredited by the ACA and APACS and provides expert guidance and support to help you develop the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in your chosen field. With our comprehensive clinical supervision program, you can expect to enhance your clinical skills, build confidence, address ethical and legal issues, and achieve ongoing professional growth and development.


For individual clinical supervision sessions, our fee structure is as follows:

  • $140 per session.
  • Each session is up to 60 minutes in duration.
  • Any extension beyond the allotted time will be charged at $70 per 30-minute block, subject to availability.
  • The same fee applies to the first and subsequent follow up-sessions.

Mode of Clinical Supervision

We understand the importance of a supportive and comfortable environment for clinical supervision. Currently, we offer in-person clinical supervision sessions at our centre. Our dedicated team of experienced clinicial supervisors is here to listen and support you through your journey of personal and professional growth.


We are here to help. Take the first step towards positive change and schedule a clinical supervision appointment with us today!

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